Fu-Lin Liu

Web Developer



Hello, I am a Web Developer based in the San Francisco Bay Area that enjoys building things and new technologies. My skillset involves React/Redux on the front end and Node.js in the back end.

Color Pic

The Color Pic application uses image recognition to predict what the dominant colors are in a given picture. The colors are then used to generate a suggested color palette with colors that work well together. This works in a semi-random way, so hit regenerate to see a different color set each time.


React, Redux, Semantic UI, Axios, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Issues Hunt

Hunt for problems to solve using GitHub API. Save time searching for "good first issue" or "help wanted" labels. Would help more people contribute to open source projects.


React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, Github API, Axios

Upcoming Events!

Upcoming Events is a interactive fullstack web app that allows users to search for concert dates based on their favorite artists and save events that are upcoming.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, Mongoose, mLab, Mocha, Chai